I was asked several months ago by an old high school friend, and ex-Microsoftie to join his new start-up, donning the hat I once donned for Audible.com. Sort of Web usability specialist/project manager type. Well, though I played a very small role, this start-up has launched to great fanfare.
Glympse allows you to use your GPS-enabled phone to send a map of your whereabouts to anyone with an Internet connected phone or computer. The recipients see your real-time progress on a map, your speed, and even your destination. The really excellent thing about this is that you are in control of who gets to see you and for how long. Something that none of Glympse's competitors do, leaving their users vulnerable to potentially creepy situations. With Glympse, the map with your whereabouts expires and your location stops being transmitted once the time limit you set ends.
Anyway, its been really crazy and fun and exciting working for these guys the last few weeks when everything ramped up really quickly. Its an amazingly talented team.
Fast Company just published a great article.
And I am now "famous" with this Wired article.
If you have a Google G1 phone, give Glympse a try. More phones will be available soon.