

Its funny. Sometimes by simply putting a problem out there, rather than listening to it in your head over and over, it kind of seems to shrivel up a little, as though exposure to daylight causes it pain. I am told the meds will take 4-6 weeks to begin working, but for whatever reason, they seem to be doing the trick already. Could be psychosomatic, or as I said, the fact that I have finally acknowledged that things aren't quite right, but my mood has been way more upbeat. Could also be summer. Had a large gang of people at the cabin on Vashon, my little magical haven. The 4th was spectacular. My sister insisted on crab and although we both had visions of paddling out on the kayak with a crab trap (something I have no idea how to do, being from Great Lakes land, but something that would be fun to learn), the reality was $7.99 a pound at the Thriftway. They even cut them open for us, so they would be easier to get into. We are such crab wimps. I can only hope they were at least locally caught. A huge group descended via shuttle trips and gobbled everything in sight before heading off to watch the big fireworks in town. The rest of us opted to head down to the beach where Carter was blissed out as the resident pyromaniac, lighting all the fireworks that we had bought at the stand (a first for me). I prayed that he wouldn't lose an eye, but stayed cool and only said "be careful!" a half a dozen times. I guess there is something about being on an island that makes fireworks legal, whereas in the city they are not. Up and down the beach, groups were creating amazing displays, all going off in harmonious succession. Across the water, looking towards West Seattle, it was hard to know where to look, there were so many different bursts of light and colour. And to think they weren't even legal over there! The kids (5 in all) gobbled 'smores and I was content. Dare I say happy even? None of the cloud looming, just nothing in my head really. Hard to imagine feeling peaceful amidst all the noise and chaos, but there it was.